Now there’s a new way to live the salt life in St Augustine, FL. Check out LaCURA’s new salt room that recently opened on the island just over the Bridge of Lions.
My mom has been raving about the benefits of salt therapy. She suffers from asthma and swears salt therapy has brought her relief. She has been visiting a salt room in Connecticut and keeps asking me to check it out on my next visit. I was thrilled when I heard a salt room was opening in Saint Augustine. The pollen in Florida is at yet another peak and my allergies are going strong. Move over Claritan, I’m trying salt therapy.

The key to a successful treatment is the breathing. Deep diaphragmatic breathing during your session enables the salt particles to reach further into the airways and lungs. After my session, I noticed how relaxed I was and that my sinuses were less congested. The amazing thing was after a few days my allergies had greatly improved. It took a few days to feel the complete benefit of the session. I noticed I had more energy and wasn’t walking around in my pollinated fog. I think a few sessions is the way to go with salt therapy if you really suffer from allergies.

Salt comes in many forms. The salt used at LaCURA is pure Himalayan crystal salt. Himalayan or Dead Sea salt is the most pure, beneficial and cleanest salt available. Salt in its pure form contains over 80 elements and trace elements found in our bodies and the most easily absorbed. LaCURA’s, salt room utilizes a halogenerator which blows microscopic particles of pure Himalayan salt into the room. These super fine particles are able to reach deep into the airways and bronchials, greatly assisting in the relief of inflammation and congestion through your sinuses and lungs. Salt rooms must remain at a temperature between 65-72 degrees.

I think LaCURA is a great addition to St. Augustine. I love the idea of having a drug-free alternative to health issues. I will definitely be back for another session. On my visit I found it to be clean and relaxing. They sanitize everything. LaCURA uses pharmaceutical grade salt with all impurities removed in the Halogenerator that grinds the salt and pumps it into the room. The generator is a bit noisy but the headphones and spa music take care of that. My advice, breath deeply and relax. The rest will take care of itself.
LaCURA Salt Spa
804-A Anastasia Blvd
St. Augustine, FL 32080
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